Our Vision
PS 174 Mission Statement
The mission of Public School 174 is to create a community of learners through nurturing and stimulating educational experiences.
- With technology and arts integration, we enhance student engagement, support instructional practices, and provide improved communication and presentation skills for all.
- By recognizing and embracing the diverse cultures represented in our school, students realize the importance of mutual respect and understanding.
- Civic responsibility is developed through service projects that reach out to others - building up both students and the community.
- Parent engagement is a vital part of our school. It complements and supports the professional teaching children receive.
Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) Goals
Priority 1
All Students Learn to Read Well SMART Goal
By May 2025, the percentage of students performing on grade level will increase 9%, from 61% to 70%, as measured by i-Ready diagnostic.
By May 2025, the percentage of students with IEP’s performing on grade level will increase 9%, from 26% to 35%, as measured by i-Ready diagnostic.
By May 2025, the percentage of ELL students performing on grade level will increase 10%, from 15% to 25%, as measured by i-Ready diagnostic.
Priority 2
All Students Are Physically and Emotionally Safe SMART Goal
By June 2025, physical and mental wellness for all students will improve, as measured by a 10% increase, per the NYC School Survey.
Priority 3
High Quality Academic Experience SMART Goal
By June 2025, the percentage of survey participants who believe that there is an emphasis on academic success will increase by 6%, from 78% to 84%, for all students, as measured by the NYC School Survey.
Priority 4
College and Career Readiness and Pathway to Economic Security SMART Goal
Students will use the First in Math program to increase their ability to analyze and explain in mathematics. Students will also be exposed to Mathematical Practices as a means to build ownership and metacognition.
Teachers will incorporate financial literacy lessons into the curriculum across grade levels. Upper grade students will participate in the Stock Market Game. This will provide students with real world applications to concepts taught through the curriculum.
Teachers will focus on debate and discussion strategies and techniques throughout classroom lessons.
Priority 5
Inclusive and Responsive for Parents and Families SMART Goal
By June 2025, the percentage of parents who feel supported by the school through collaborative efforts will increase by 5%, from 87% to 92%, as measured by NYC School Survey results.
By June 2025, the parents who believe that our school leadership is inclusive will increase by 5%, from 88% to 93%, as measured by NYC School Survey results.
By June 2025, the percentage of the number of parents attending parent information workshops will increase by 2%.
Priority 6
Chronic Absenteeism SMART Goal
By July 2025, the percentage of chronically absent students will decrease by 2%, from 5% to 3%, as measured by the ATS reports.
By July 2025, the students at risk of being chronically absent will decrease by 3%, from 11% to 7%, as measured by the ATS reports.
By July 2025, the percentage of chronically absent ELL students will decrease by 3%, from 7% to 5%, as measured by the ATS reports.
Priority 7
By June 2025, to strengthen the quality and implementation of Individualize Education Programs (IEPs) for Students with Disabilities (SWD), we will increase the number of IEP annual goals that are progress-monitored by 2%, from 98% to 100%, as measured by District Compliance reports.
By June 2025, our goal is to enhance the quality and implementation of IEPs for Students with Disabilities (SWD), by increasing the number of participants in the IEP analysis process. Specifically, we aim to increase the number of participating teachers from 8 to 10, representing an increase of 2 teachers, as measured by participation data.
By June 2025, to strengthen the quality and implementation of IEPs for Students with Disabilities (SWD), we will increase the number of IEP goals where progress is made and anticipated to be met by 4%, raising the rate from 91% to 95%, as measured by District Compliance reports.