PS 174 Grading Policy 2024-25

Principal: Dr. Hazel Ann Lewis
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Kerstin Kobetitsch

Grades are a reflection of a student’s understanding and command of content, their progression through a subject, and their mastery of skills at a given point in time. This grading policy, which applies to all students including students with disabilities and English Language Learners, outlines how and when students will receive feedback on their mastery of content and skills. The purpose of this policy is to allow students, families, and teachers to have a mutual understanding of what specific grades mean.

Parent Connection Conferences 2024-2025

Conference Date Time
Meet The Teacher September 12th

Remote Sessions:
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
6:00 pm to 6:45 pm

Parent Engagement By Appointment In Person or Remote
Introduction To Next Grade May 1st

Remote Sessions:
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
5:00 pm to 5:45 pm
6:00 pm to 6:45 pm


Academic Expectations

Students are expected to attend school on a regular basis and to perform to the best of their ability. Teachers are expected to evaluate student progress and communicate with families. Families are encouraged to review their child’s assignments, classwork, homework and assessments regularly throughout the marking period. Parents are also asked to enroll in the New York City Schools Account to check the scores of NYS Assessments as well as biographical information and daily attendance data. Parents may request to meet with a teacher if additional information is needed. Parents can meet with their child's teacher in person or remotely. Parents may request an appointment, which will be confirmed by the teacher. After classes end for the term, inquiries are made through the administration by the last weekday in June.

Marking Periods 2024-2025

Period Begins
Period Ends
Report Card
September 5, 2024 October 21, 2024 Progress Report November 6, 2024

November 7, 2024
Remote Sessions:
12:10 to 2:10pm
4:00 to 7:00pm

October 22, 2024 February 14, 2025 Report Card:
March 5, 2025

March 6, 2024
Remote Sessions:
12:10 to 2:10pm
4:00 to 7:00pm

February 15, 2025 June 26, 2025 Report Card:
June 25, 2025

*Report cards will be distributed to students at the end of the school day. Overall report card grades will be available on NYC School Accounts approximately one week after report card distribution. Inquiries about grades should be made directly to the classroom teacher. The June report card includes both the final marking period grade as well as the overall average course grade for each subject for the school year (in the last column).

Report Cards

Grades are awarded three times per year in November, March, and June in the following subjects: English Language Arts, Reading, Writing, Listening/Speaking and Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and History, Physical Education and Health, Visual Art, Music, and Academic and Personal Behaviors.

Report Card grades are determined using the following components*:

  • Assessments
  • Participation
  • Homework
  • Assignments and Projects

*See Individual Grade Breakdowns

Performance Levels

The school uses a 1-4 grading scale that awards marks 1, 2, 3, or 4 based on performance level

  • Level 4 - student is exceeding proficiency standards.
  • Level 3 - student is meeting proficiency standards.  
  • Level 2 - student is meeting basic standards.  
  • Level 1 - student is performing below standards.  

Students will have up to two weeks after the end of each marking period to complete missed or late work.


Homework is an essential part of the instructional program and reinforces learning. It serves as a means for reviewing material learned during the school day, for providing opportunity for individual growth, and for creating experiences of in-depth study and supplementary reading. Students in all grades are assigned literacy and math homework. Homework is checked in a variety of ways. Students will have up to two weeks after the end of each marking period to complete missed or late work. Students in grades 3-5 are required to record homework assignments in the student planner. Parents are expected to check the planner for confirmation and clarification on all assignments.

Promotion Policy

Throughout the year teachers and principals will regularly review students’ performance and identify students who, even with additional support, may be at risk of not meeting promotion standards for their grade level. Students will be assessed holistically, using multiple measures. If a child is at risk of not meeting promotion standards, the following

  • Families will be notified during fall parent teacher conferences if their child’s performance is not approaching standards.
  • Families will receive written notice in February is their child’s performance is not approaching standards.
  • Families will be updated on their child’s progress toward meeting promotion standards during spring parent teacher conferences.

Requests for Transcripts

Requests for a student's academic record to third parties such as other schools must be made in writing by the parent. This request will be fulfilled by a copy of the ATS – Automate The Schools report and may include: admission date, discharge date, score reports for NYS Assessments, attendance, health and biographical data. Confidential records and other assessments or documents are not included in the transcript. Students who are transferred to another NYC School will have their records sent to the receiving school. Records of all students discharged to schools outside of the confines of the New York City have their records stored at PS 174..

The Grading Policy will be published on the school website. Translated versions will be available based on need. This grading policy shall be reviewed annually as well as whenever NYC DOE and/or District 28 policies are revised.
